after updating Lucee from version to we get the following error:
German special characters (äüöÄÜÖß) are replaced by “?” on form submit. Same for url-parameters.
I only need to switch the installed Lucee version in section Extension - Applications (Lucee-Administration). In our environments there is only a difference in the new Lucee version.
Version “” is not working, other versions before are working fine.
As we can see in the screenshot, the Umlaute are proper stored into the class file. so the problem is with sending the data out or receiving them.
So i guess the problem is that the “charset” did change, best dump the following to see what charset is used. <cfdump var="#getApplicationSettings().charset#">
After the update, one of our functions no longer works correctly. I still have to find out the exact reason. But that’s our problem. Sorry for trouble and thanks for your support.
@mhuebner problem is that the url decoder no longer allows umlauts as inputs (what i’m about to change; see details in ticket), the reason you see this issue with the form and others not, is because of the browser you are using, some browser do automatically encode non ascii characters in the url, others do not. Try another browser and it will work. i use chrome.