Generic Connector Communication Error: Please check and adjust your setup: Ensure that Tomcat is running on given host and port. If this is a timeout error consider adjusting IIS timeout by changing executionTimeout attribute in web.config (see manual)."

Dears I get the following error:
Generic Connector Communication Error: Please check and adjust your setup: Ensure that Tomcat is running on given host and port. If this is a timeout error consider adjusting IIS timeout by changing executionTimeout attribute in web.config (see manual).

This happens periodicaly for many years in our Lucce servers (WINDOWS SERVER 2016-SQL Server) and latest lucee and boncode connector . The only workable solution I have found is when you clear the cookies from the browser for the specific site which produces the error. When the cookies are cleared the error dissapears. The problem is that if a user does not clear the cookies I cannot inform him on how to solve it. Its strange as it combines client (browser) and server.
Any idea would be helpfull.
To mention that I have followed all the solution I have found everywhere in the web but still appears randomly and not of course for all users (only a very few).

It sounds like its a timeout issue. Can’t say for sure why it’s cookie related, but I can say that you should be clearing cookies (and possibly invalidate the session) on whatever login or entry page you have to your site, specifically clearing the cookies and invalidating any session (derived from a cookie) would solve the client having to clear cookies for themselves and might make the underlying issue go away.


— Denny

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Have you changed timoutsettings somewhere? I,'d check if all your timeouts are in sync (IIS, Tomcat, Bincode, etc)…

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The problem still happens occasionally. The only solution is from the client side. If the client clears the cookies the problem disappears temporarily but after a few days it happens again.

Sorry for the question but how I could invalidate the session ?

What do you mean exactly by “invalidating” the session? Clearing all the data you’ve stored in the session scope (e.g. for logout)? Invalidating the session in such a manner, that additionaly the cftoken is renewed?

I found a solution that clears dead connections: I put the line: <FlushThreshold>0</FlushThreshold> at BonCodeAJP13.settings file