Generating JavaDoc style CFC docs

DocBox is the continuation of ColdDoc basically. We re-branded it once it
was re-skinned and assimilated into the “box”. :slight_smile: Also, DocBox has a
CommandBox command which will allow you to build docs entirely from the CLI
without needing to even have a CFML server running. You can see an example
of the output here:


~BradOn Friday, February 5, 2016 at 7:33:48 AM UTC-6, Evagoras Charalambous wrote:

There is also the porting of ColdDoc into the Ortus Suite of Products.
We’be used it and it’s pretty nice.
GitHub - Ortus-Solutions/DocBox: DocBox is a tool that has been built to generate documentation based on ColdFusion (CFML) Component Meta Data.