Experimental cfml based Resource Provider

Lucee Resource Providers are virtual file system abstractions, as used for ftp, zip, file, s3, datasource etc

Recently I noticed that Lucee supports CFML based Resource Providers, as such
I’ve been hacking away and have a working prototype.

Along the way I’ve found some bugs, which are all documented on the repo and in jira

The initial idea was to provider a temp request:// filesystem, but that doesn’t work yet due to a Lucee bug

You can pass in your own storage adaptor cfc, currently there are two implementations

You could do interesting things like adding a custom action on create file

  • automatically generate different sized images when you write an image to the file system
  • compress text files
  • virus scanning
  • uploading / mirroring else where
  • writing history to git / versioning
  • wrapping around another resource provider like s3 (the folder storage adaptor is wrapping around the file resource provider!)

Not ready for production use!