Expected behavior of <cfif (#right(dollarAmount,1)# == ".")> - java 20

Zac, I notice you aren’t objecting to Derrick’s use of Java 20 with Lucee 5. Have I missed some news, perhaps?

I was in the midst of writing a reply, pointing out your reply of a several weeks ago saying that even Lucee 6 still didn’t support Java 17.

There are still a number of things which don’t work with Java 17 yet, a number of test cases are failing, but we are making progress!.. Base line for Lucee 6 is Java 11, Java 8 is supported as long as we can

Has that changed, for Lucee 6, let alone Lucee 5? Sincere question.

Also, I’d hoped to point to the system requirements page, but it makes no mention of Java version support. Would that or another be the best place for folks to look to, for the current state of Java version supported by each major lucee version?