Error in Admin when loading debugging.templates

Version is
I updated my code, from

Error on Modern.cfc when loading my application, thought I would have to delete readd the debug template, when loading the debugging.templates page in the admin it errors out as well.

In the code it has

<cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.client#" keys="500"/ />

With Error of
tag [cfdump] is not closed

Deleting the extra slashes resolves the issue

Yeah, I’ve checked it & also replicate the issue in my local. But it doesn’t occur in

We did run into that issue as well, but the latest RC seems to have resolved it.

We have a different issue, though. It seems like the javascript libraries included in the modern debug template are conflicting and/or overriding things we have in place on our legacy app. With that template enabled in our local environments, there are various javascript errors. If we remove it or use the classic (yuck!) template, everything is fine.

If I had more time I’d try to dig into the template itself and see if there is a way to namespace the javascript libraries in it so they don’t conflict, but I haven’t had a chance yet.

Is this a known issue?

I believe the conflicts are jQuery ($) and Modernizr for us.

I came across this issue today, went and had a look at Modern.cfc and fixed it.
As I am apparently not allowed to upload the diff I will just have to paste it in :frowning:

---      2019-04-02 14:00:26.191439956 +0100
+++ Modern.cfc  2019-04-10 16:56:21.121561798 +0100
@@ -1385,8 +1385,8 @@
                                                <cfset renderSectionHeadTR( sectionId, "debugging", "Application")>
                                                <td  id="-lucee-debug-#sectionId#" class="#isOpen ? '' : 'collapsed'#">
-                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.application#"  keys="500"//>
-                                               <td>
+                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.application#"  keys="500" ></cfdump>
+                                               </td>
@@ -1399,8 +1399,8 @@
                                                <cfset renderSectionHeadTR( sectionId, "debugging", "session")>
                                                <td  id="-lucee-debug-#sectionId#" class="#isOpen ? '' : 'collapsed'#">
-                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.session#" keys="500"/ />
-                                               <td>
+                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.session#" keys="500" ></cfdump>
+                                               </td>
@@ -1413,8 +1413,8 @@
                                                <cfset renderSectionHeadTR( sectionId, "debugging", "client")>
                                                <td  id="-lucee-debug-#sectionId#" class="#isOpen ? '' : 'collapsed'#">
-                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.client#" keys="500"/ />
-                                               <td>
+                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.client#" keys="500" ></cfdump>
+                                               </td>
@@ -1428,8 +1428,8 @@
                                                <cfset renderSectionHeadTR( sectionId, "debugging", "Form")>
                                                <td  id="-lucee-debug-#sectionId#" class="#isOpen ? '' : 'collapsed'#">
-                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.form#"  keys="500"//>
-                                               <td>
+                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.form#"  keys="500" ></cfdump>
+                                               </td>
@@ -1442,8 +1442,8 @@
                                                <cfset renderSectionHeadTR( sectionId, "debugging", "URL")>
                                                <td  id="-lucee-debug-#sectionId#" class="#isOpen ? '' : 'collapsed'#">
-                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.URL#"  keys="500"//>
-                                               <td>
+                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.URL#"  keys="500" ></cfdump>
+                                               </td>
@@ -1456,8 +1456,8 @@
                                                <cfset renderSectionHeadTR( sectionId, "debugging", "cgi")>
                                                <td  id="-lucee-debug-#sectionId#" class="#isOpen ? '' : 'collapsed'#">
-                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.cgi#"  keys="500"//>
-                                               <td>
+                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.cgi#"  keys="500" ></cfdump>
+                                               </td>
@@ -1470,8 +1470,8 @@
                                                <cfset renderSectionHeadTR( sectionId, "debugging", "Request")>
                                                <td  id="-lucee-debug-#sectionId#" class="#isOpen ? '' : 'collapsed'#">
-                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.Request#"  keys="500"//>
-                                               <td>
+                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.Request#"  keys="500" ></cfdump>
+                                               </td>
@@ -1484,8 +1484,8 @@
                                                <cfset renderSectionHeadTR( sectionId, "debugging", "Cookie")>
                                                <td  id="-lucee-debug-#sectionId#" class="#isOpen ? '' : 'collapsed'#">
-                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.Cookie#" keys="500"//>
-                                               <td>
+                                                       <cfdump var="#arguments.debugging.scope.Cookie#" keys="500" ></cfdump>
+                                               </td>

Yup, stable is broken