Hi, I just downloaded the “Express” and startup.sh errors out with these messages I’ve never seen in prior versions:
-Djava.endorsed.dirs=/the_path_I_am_using/lucee/endorsed is not supported. Endorsed standards and standalone APIs
in modular form will be supported via the concept of upgradeable modules.
Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.
Error: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.
I searched my prior Lucee Express directory (version for the string “-Djava.endorsed.dirs” (not including the doublequotes of course) and found it only on one line in one file (excluding Windows BAT files because I’m on Linux). That file is /bin/setclasspath.sh.
That’s it. It’s nowhere else. However, in the current, it’s also in /bin/catalina.sh, /bin/daemon.sh and /bin/tool-wrapper.sh.
I figured the problem was most likely in the file /bin/catalina.sh, so I compared this file in both my Lucee Express directory and my Lucee Express directory and I found eight lines that used to be this:
-classpath "$CLASSPATH" \
That now are this:
-Djava.endorsed.dirs="$JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS" -classpath "$CLASSPATH" \
So, I removed the trouble-causing first option on these 8 lines, which returned them to exactly how they were in the prior version of Lucee Express (with just the classpath option) and Lucee started up successfully just as the prior version always has.
FYI. I have no idea why these 8 lines were changed to add the “endorsed” option or what that option even means, but REMOVING these additions fixes it.
ALSO - This latest Express ( is STILL, just like the last version, using the very-outdated Tomcat 8 (version 8.0.36 to be precise). I’ve reported this problem here before, and I noted that my very old Lucee 5 Express .ZIP file came with Tomcat 9! Someone REALLY needs to fix this, not only does it cause a nonfatal error message during startup (“Invalid byte tag in constant pool: 19” which I opened a thread about previously), but using an outdated Tomcat version repeatedly, release after release, even after the problem has been reported, really makes Lucee look bad, particularly to commercial customers evaluating it for adoption in their companies.
OS: Linux
Java Version: 11.0.11
Tomcat Version: 8.0.36 (PLEASE start using 9 in future Express files!)
Lucee Version: