Enable [trigger data member] in administrator to also invoke getters and setters to display

I just got the following error in some code while testing;
Enable [trigger data member] in administrator to also invoke getters and setters to display

After some googling I found this Lucee issue : LDEV-1789 that was logged in 2018.

(I have updated the issue with the details / questions I have…)
where is the “Trigger data member” option in the Administrator?
I cannot find it!


Surely in cfapplication.
[cfapplication triggerdatamember=boolean]
alias for “invokeimplicitaccessor”

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Is that “just” an application setting?
this.triggerdatamember = true

Or does it belong in the this.ormsettings.triggerdatamember = true?

Curiously I have bever set this before - so I have no idea why the application is complaining about it now.

According to the documentation, only:
this.triggerdatamember = true

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Awesome thanks very much…

I sincerely don’t know why I didn’t just check there myself…
it just didn;t come to mind at the time…

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