Does Lucee 6 play nice with Lucee 5.3.9?

I want to upgrade to Lucee 6, but reading through the notes i can see several changes in version 6 that might (or might not) hiccup with my existing code. So in an abundance of caution I thought i should install both, and then copy my sites over one by one, testing them thoroughly and correcting anything before committing them to the Lucee 6 version

Has anyone done such a thing? having Lucee 6 and Lucee 5.3.9 running on the same machine? Are there any ‘Gotchas’?

Mike Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia

I did upgrade to 6.0.585. Use CommandBox for that. It made testing and switching servers hassle free.
There were errors related to OWASP extension, I ended with version instead of latest one.
And there were errors related to CFWheels framework (also upgraded from 1.4.5 to 2.5.0).
Other than that a core CFML codebase works the same and transition went smooth.

how to set MaxConnections maxThreads in commandbox?

web.maxRequests ??

The 2 issues we have run into is having to use parseDate() when looking over dates: Lucee 6 Looping over date issue

There is a bug submitted but there has been no formal response if they are going to fix it or not.

The other issue is that serializeJSON() now throws an error if it is a blank string.

Everything else has been fine so far.

But your mileage may vary.

Good luck.

Thank you all for your responses. I’m most grateful. I am asking now because I’m coming up to an inflexible deadline and i don’t want something like problems with upgrading stopping me from completing my current task. When i said goodbye to Adobe CF i was expecting my switch to Lucee to be fairly straightforward, but it turned out to require me to totally rebuild two sites - in my case it wasn’t as straightforward as i had it explained to me by someone else. It wasn’t his fault but all the same it took a year for those conversiions to Lucee to happen. Now I approach uupgrades with an abundance of caution.

I would not consider running Lucee 6 in production for at least six months after its proper release. This is no shade on Lucee: I’d do the same with CF.

Let other ppl find all the kinks and creases, then consider the merits of the upgrade after that.

Thanks Adam. You are quite correct. Its normally the wise advice i follow when a new version of something comes out. This time i got too excited at the same time i had some spare time available and my enthusiasm ran away with me.

I got back to work and will come back to Lucee v 6 in a while…

MIke Kear
Windsor, NSW, Australia