Here’s a quick example of how to run Python using Graalvm with Lucee 6.2
Lucee will dynamically download the java libraries defined in the javaSettings (when required), it’s that simple!
The jars are stored in the lucee-server\context\mvn\
We also added support for the more concise Graal style syntax
Note the use of static syntax ::
when calling java functions directly
python = new component
javaSettings = '{ maven: [
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Source;
import org.graalvm.polyglot.Context;
function executePython(src) {
var c = Context::newBuilder(javaCast("String[]",["python"]))
//echo(c.eval("python", "print('Hello from GraalPy!')"));
script = Source::create("python", src);
result = c.getPolyglotBindings().getMember("hello").execute(["hello lucee"]);
return result.asString();
<cfsavecontent variable="python_src">
import polyglot
def hello(externalInput):
return 'Got output from graal python: ' + externalInput
Here’s are some posts relating to the new functionality being used in this example