our server shares about 100 Lucee applications on the same context.
since few days, the exception.log grows with huge quantity of lines of that kind :
“ERROR”,“ajp-nio-”,“01/07/2022”,“09:37:16”,“file”,“Conflict in same thread: on [/var/www/sites_lucee/publiccms/vendredi.txt]”
The line above (written TWICE in log file) result of a single test with a script to write a file “vendredi.txt” (fileopen… filewrite… fileclose).
But for some applications, the line is present 6 TIMES for the same operation (for exemple creating a RSS file). And it’s ALWAYS about writing files.
Since yesterday a have restarted Lucee, but no change.
Another “symptom” (linked ?) : our scheduled daily tasks don’t start anymore ! (but their manual execution is ok)
OS: Linux (4.15.0-159-generic) 64bit
Java Version: 11.0.7 (AdoptOpenJDK) 64bit
Tomcat Version: Apache Tomcat/9.0.35
Lucee Version: Lucee