Client Variables Database - Millions of Entries!

Thanks guys… Yes, I found an empty Application.cfc that was created by the installer in the WebRoot directory of Tomcat that I think is creating these entries. Thank you for helping me with this. I will experiment with removing it (though I’m guessing things will crash).

A 2nd interesting observation. When I put a CFABORT at the top of my Application.cfm in our application, I get an intermittent result with debugging on.

Sometimes I see two calls for session info. Sometimes I see 3. When I see 3, I get a negative number for Application Execution Time. How is that possible?

but the Application.cfc in the tomcat webroot doesn’t enable client variables right?

the negative number is probably coming from the classic template?

the source is here (it’s also under your server context if you want to investigate) Lucee/core/src/main/java/resource/context/admin/debug/Classic.cfc at 5.3 · lucee/Lucee · GitHub

you’re using both a Application.cfc and Application.cfm?

Correct. It is empty.

It appears so. And yes, I feel quite foolish about it. For 14 years we’ve used Application.cfm in the main application folder. I just discovered this rouge Appliction.cfc in the webroot yesterday based on this thread. I feel silly. But then again, we’ve had 99.99% up-time for years.

Should I remove it? Should it be building double entries since the Application.cfc in the Webroot does NOT enable client variables.

I can confirm it only contains:

I’d suggest migrating to using just a single modern Application.cfc

Thanks. I wish it were that simple.

Seems like if I delete the Application.cfc from the Webroot (the one Lucee built by default), the Admin screens will all break.

Seems like if I delete the Application.cfm in my source code (which is outside the Webroo), the application will certainly break.

This may be a stupid question, but do I need to move the application source code into the Lucee Webroot? The the source of my problem that I actually have 2 contexts running?

all the stuff under /lucee like the admin have their own Application.cfc’s