Client Variables - Clean-Up and Suppression


As we are going live with our new production environment we are seeing a
bottle neck around client variable storage. We have 8 Tomcat clusters so we
are using a database to store client variables. We have a cf_client_data
table the reached 500,000+ records and we noticed that it to 1.5 seconds
for the onRequestStart Method to execute the query and populate the client
variable information. I did add the suggested indexes to the table but that
did not help as much as I thought it would. Once we truncated the table the
performance on the site came back . So I have a few question that I could
not find the answer to.

  • Is there a process to clean-up client variables when they expire and
    if so how often does it run?
  • We believe that it is out load balancer checks that populated most of
    the client variables. Is there a way we can stop user agents like the load
    balancer or bots from creating client variables?


Load balancers can be configured to work in different ways regarding client token creation, so you might have an issue where the LB is not correctly configured with your cluster

There should be a process to purge the client storage, but I don’t know what it is in Lucee. Client storage in ACF has always had problems with purging client variables, Lucee might have a similar issue.

Refer to this thread

Redirecting to Google Groups!msg/lucee/L7DvVYVtomc/s66YH1bCCQAJ

about client variables and clustering.

I don’t know enough about the client storage system to suggest whether it should be scaling better than it is, but 1.5 second seems like a very long time to generate tokens and store them in a database. Have you debugged the process to see if there is some obvious bottleneck or configuration problem? If there is no configuration problem with your system, it might be worth putting in a request for performance improvement to the client variable creation process.

I suggest you read this piece by Nathan Strutz on client variables:

If you can’t find a solution that works for you with client variables, you should roll your own security mechanism. Here is a thread on using Cassandra for session tokens:

as an example.

Robert> On Nov 13, 2015, at 8:02 AM, Ken John <@Ken_John> wrote:


As we are going live with our new production environment we are seeing a bottle neck around client variable storage. We have 8 Tomcat clusters so we are using a database to store client variables. We have a cf_client_data table the reached 500,000+ records and we noticed that it to 1.5 seconds for the onRequestStart Method to execute the query and populate the client variable information. I did add the suggested indexes to the table but that did not help as much as I thought it would. Once we truncated the table the performance on the site came back . So I have a few question that I could not find the answer to.

Is there a process to clean-up client variables when they expire and if so how often does it run?
We believe that it is out load balancer checks that populated most of the client variables. Is there a way we can stop user agents like the load balancer or bots from creating client variables?


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