Chrontime not available

I am moving a site from ACF to Lucee and it had a particular scheduled task that runs as it turns midnight into the 19th of each month.

I used a chrontime to do this: 0 0 19 19 * ? *

I see that Lucee does not have such as feature. One simple work around is to set the task to run daily at 00:00:00, and edit the CFM that it calls to check if it’s the 19th, and if not abort, otherwise continue.

I just wanted to check, am I missing anything? Any better ways to do this? Are there plans to add chrontime to the scheduler?

It’s not a huge deal the above fix is simple enough

Tech stack

  • Lucee
  • Java 11.0.21 (Eclipse Adoptium) 64bit
  • Windows Server 2022 (10.0) 64bit
  • IIS 10

Not missing anything, I hear a better scheduler is coming :wink:

okay, got it, cool. The fix was no big deal, it gets the job done, and it’s only loading a very tiny CFM in the middle of the night, once a day, so I can live with it