TLDR; I assume this is a bug, because when I deleted the lucee deployment everything worked (this is my 1st time setting up Lucee).
I am new to Lucee, and the way I have aways setup .war packages was in their own directories. Ie; if I want to make a webapp for I would rename the war file to example.war, let tomcat deploy it, then stop tomcat and delete the .war file. And from here I would setup server.xml and ajp to connect in.
I would also move the folders created by the deployment to apache’s public_html folder, then mount the folders via fstab. There is probably a better way, but I do this because the /opt/tomcat and the /home folders are on 2 different partitions and since a webapp can go quite big, I rather it grow in a place where there is space.
I did this with Lucee, and got everything working and connected. However this time I had deployed Lucee as well as a renamed version in Tomcat (so 2 Lucee servlets running).
When the index.cfm of the Lucee package launched I though all was well. Then I clicked on the Secure Administrator Header and an orange warning page popped up saying it could not load. And the path it gave was:
Which is not correct. It should have been
Figuring (and forgetting I had a lucee webapp deployed) I must have to edit the web.xml in the WEB-INF folder, I saw there was a remmed section that said to uncomment and give the location of the web directories, of which I did, and rebooted. But the location was still as above.
I went to the webapps folder, saw lucee deployed, and deleted it. Restart tomcat and low and behold the admin password not set warning page popped up.
So please tell me if there is something I can put in a server.xml or web.xml to stop this action or is it simply if I want multiple lucee’s deployed I cannot use a webapp folder called lucee?