Are there any plans for Hibernate 6 support on Lucee?

Hi Team Lucee,
Are there any plans for Hibernate 6 support on Lucee? A date estimate or road-map perhaps?

I ask because the Waiting on lock <0x754d0045> (a org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.internal.AggregatedClassLoader) problem we’ve been having seems to have been fixed in Hibernate 6.

See “Waiting on lock <0x754d0045> (a org.hibernate.boot.registry.classloading.internal.AggregatedClassLoader) - #12 by beikov - Hibernate ORM - Hibernate

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For discussions on the problem, see

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no plans as of yet, the upgrade from 3.5.5 to 5.4 was sponsored by Ortus


tracking issue [LDEV-4288] - Lucee vote for it! (please don’t add useless comments in jira, add them here instead)

Is that stable? None of the betas worked for me. I had always to downgrade back to 3.5.5.

@Daniel_Schmid , What kind of problems did you have with the Betas?

I don’t want it to seem like I am jumping into some soprt of blame-game here…
I am really not…

But since the forum states you haven’t been here for four years;
Did you post anything, anywhere - about the issues you were having with upgrading so they could be investigated?

It’s quite possible that the testing doesn’t include your usage and someone else might up with the same experience as you, even attempting to use the next “released” version.

@Gavin_Baumanis I started with CF5 in the 90s and then worked intensively with CFML for 22 years. Currently, I am responsible for a publishing site that uses ORM extensively. We have tried betas for hibernate5 several times, never successfully. If you give me some time, I will try again on the dev instance and let you know the stack trace. If you confirm that you have had little or no problems migrating legacy ORM applications, I would be encouraged.

Please do report the specific issues you’ve had-- and don’t forget to put them in the ticket tracker. As Micha always says, bugs which are not ticketed, do not exist :wink:

Also, make sure you are using the latest Hibernate extension version. Ortus has done extensive testing on ContentBox CMS and other client apps which make heavy use of ORM. You can also search the ticket tracker for any outstanding ORM issues.

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here is the full list of ORM tickets

please refrain from commenting on issues, unless you are adding useful information,

it’s not helpful having people filling the comments with “+1, I’m seeing this too etc” and then having to wade thru all those comments

instead, vote for the bug, in the top right hand corner


and please, always post to the mailing list before filing new tickets


Sorry for not being specific. I checked with the latest prerelease and run into the same error as on [LDEV-4276] - Lucee

Could not parse mapping document: null (INPUT_STREAM)

lucee.runtime.exp.NativeException: Could not parse mapping document: null (INPUT_STREAM)
  at org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.internal.InputStreamXmlSource.doBind(
  at org.hibernate.boot.jaxb.internal.InputStreamXmlSource.doBind(
  at org.hibernate.boot.spi.XmlMappingBinderAccess.bind(
  at org.hibernate.boot.MetadataSources.addInputStream(
  at org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration.addInputStream(