Any Releases of Lucee 5 Planned

Are there plans to release any new updates to Lucee 5. It still shows as and LTS version on the downloads page and there is a Snapshot that is newer than the current release.

I’m just wondering how soon I need to move to 6 and if there is an EOL date for 5, or if it already happened.

Mostly what I’m looking for is an installer with a newer Tomcat and Java version so I don’t have to update those manually. It looks like maybe I could make my own using this repo GitHub - lucee/lucee-installer: Source files for the Lucee installer. But it might be easier just to do the manual updates for now and get our servers updated to 6 as soon as I can.

You can update to Lucee 6.x, which includes all the latest updates and improvements.

Just curious - will there be a LTS version of 6.x before the 5.x LTS expires?

You can grab the installer and simply choose a different lucee.jar to install just be sure you are using java 11, see Jira

Or just install as usual, stop the server and replace the fat jar in the lucee\lib directory and restart

The 6.2 installer won’t work at it uses Tomcat 10.1 and Java 21 which uses the jakarta (Tomcat 9 uses javax) namespace, which only 6.2 onwards supports"jakarta"

As for the next LTS, we haven’t decided yet, 6.2 is the first potential candidate

For now, you can find installers for with the latest Tomcat and Java 11 at the bottom of the page

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