Any Releases of Lucee 5 Planned

Are there plans to release any new updates to Lucee 5. It still shows as and LTS version on the downloads page and there is a Snapshot that is newer than the current release.

I’m just wondering how soon I need to move to 6 and if there is an EOL date for 5, or if it already happened.

Mostly what I’m looking for is an installer with a newer Tomcat and Java version so I don’t have to update those manually. It looks like maybe I could make my own using this repo GitHub - lucee/lucee-installer: Source files for the Lucee installer. But it might be easier just to do the manual updates for now and get our servers updated to 6 as soon as I can.

You can update to Lucee 6.x, which includes all the latest updates and improvements.

Just curious - will there be a LTS version of 6.x before the 5.x LTS expires?