Add a text-hint or a pre-text like this during the thread creation

Hi Zac,

this is just a little question, it’s because of maybe your highest ranked question: What Java/Lucee Version are you using.

Do you think it is possible to add a text-hint or a pre-text like this during the thread creation, e.g. like this?

I’m asking you, because I tink you know who is responsible for administrating this forum. Don’t know who to ask. I even don’t know if this is possible.

Have a very nice day.

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music to my ears… pretty sucre the forum is administered by @modius

It’s a great idea.

We have always had this message shown to new users for the first few posts they make:

(imagine it rendered in its HTML glory next to the editor for new users)

This is the only relevant place we can customise this sort of text on the forum without a specific code base hack.

Perhaps its not that great given so many people seem to ignore it. Who reads instructions these days?

Perhaps we can craft a suitable suggestion in this thread and I can update what we have :slight_smile:

Hi Geoff,

thanks for posting back. I came up with this idea, because I’ve been very active in this forum lately and see @Zac asking for OS/Java/Lucee versions really often. Well, I forgot to post software versions also, usually because I’d be deeply lost, still thinking about the issue I want to post. I consider us users here very lucky to have @Zackster around recalling some old (and patched) issue still open in some old software version.

I didn’t remember that and I think that many users who come back after a while,would forget it also.

Well, I’ve digged around a little and found out that the forum software might be discourse? If that is the case, wouldn’t a template in the support and dev category do this? I’ve found this link here about it:

I’m not really sure it can be done here. It’s just an idea.

Have a nice day and thanks for looking into this.

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Let’s give it a go!

The feature is category specific so I’ve set up a topic template on the #support category :slight_smile: