Release Candidate 2

The Lucee team is proud to announce RC2, which consists of bug fixes and regressions.

All things going well and subject to any regression, we plan to release a STABLE version on Friday the 25th of March, 2022

Following up on RC 1, https://lucee.daemonite.io/t/5-3-9-80-release-candidate-1/9672/17

Bug fixes

LDEV-2491 - Error isValid(“email”, “error@domain.com \uD83D\uDE04”) with UTF-8 encoding pages
LDEV-2795 - sameFormFieldsAsArray does not convert fields to arrays if all inputs are empty
LDEV-3264 - onSessionEnd() is never triggered when using JEE sessions
LDEV-3679 - Lucee ignores application/x-www-form-urlencoded mimetype in CFHTTP response
LDEV-3689 - Custom tags/include page inside a long-running thread throw a NullPointerException
LDEV-3733 - Regression - Request timeout error failed to throw
LDEV-3750 - NPE when application errors out while starting
LDEV-3775 - SMTPClient incorrectly putting stack trace into the message of a MailException it raises
LDEV-3812 - cfoutput encodefor attribute won’t accept htmlattribute or xmlattribute
LDEV-3818 - Add new argument precise for toBinary() & binaryDecode() to match ACF behaviour
LDEV-3902 - getTimeZoneInfo() is missing the “timezone” that Adobe CF has
LDEV-3853 - the application mail listener logs NPE in remoteClient.log
LDEV-3863 - queryExecute with “?” in SQL and params set to empty fails
LDEV-3900 - duplicate/structCopy do not copy appear to copy ImportDefinitions when copying CFC objects


LDEV-2660 - CFZIP action=“unzip” overwrite=“true” deletes existing directories.
LDEV-3866 - zip action=list filter UDF is a passed a completely invalid entryPath
LDEV-3372 - update jquery-1.8.3.js in ajax extension
LDEV-3425 - ajax extension is slow to start
LDEV-3535 - update google maps api to v4


LDEV-3825 - Admin - update Logging to Datasource Appender throws error
LDEV-3887 - admin and download page needs to understand a 5th version number element
LDEV-3695 - admin application - Uninstall the extension ESAPI/Compress Tags doesn’t available in not installed
LDEV-3363 - Admin debugging - Disable template option throws an error in debugging logs page

A number of extensions have been updated, the current list below is the know working combination, as we have done some further work reducing cross - extension - dependancies

The one remaining regression is [LDEV-3891] - Lucee which will be addressed before STABLE

Your testing and feedback is important, it helps us produce a better Lucee!


Thanks to everyone who has been testing RC2, we have 3 confirmed regressions so far, we’ll aim for a RC3 on Friday


RC3 candidate is out, all regressions fixed (except the log4j warning)