proxy_pass; #include standard proxy headers proxy_set_header Host $http_host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme; #populate the cgi.https variable with on or off based on map condition which must be specified in a http {} block proxy_set_header https $cgi_https; #add headers for mod_cfml to do its work proxy_set_header X-Tomcat-DocRoot $document_root; proxy_set_header X-ModCFML-SharedKey q1T29VFQs6gl2qTNzPrsltFkzAjXHKDkC7v2p1GzNkeCo1whLm9KGu; # For more info on $lucee_context, see if ($lucee_context = false) { set $lucee_context $document_root; } proxy_set_header X-Webserver-Context $lucee_context; # Enable path_info - set $pathinfo ""; # if the extension .cfm or .cfc is found, followed by a slash and optional extra if ($uri ~ "^(.+?\.cf[mc])(/.*)") { # remember the filepath without path_info set $script $1; set $pathinfo $2; # rewrite the url to match the filepath wthout path_info rewrite ^.+$ $script break; } # set the custom path_info header proxy_set_header XAJP-PATH-INFO $pathinfo;