#to enable Lucee for a server: include lucee.conf; #block the lucee-context except for certain ip location ~* /lucee/ { #allow; allow all; include lucee-proxy.conf; } location ~* /lucee-server { return 404; } #block/ignore CFIDE requests location ~* /CFIDE { return 404; } #block requests for Application.cfc/cfm location ~* Application.cf[mc]$ { return 404; } #match cfm or cfc files and proxy them off to tomcat #if you do not need SES urls like index.cfm/foo/bar #then use: (\.cfm|\.cfc)$ instead location ~* (\.cfm(\/|$)|\.cfc$) { include lucee-proxy.conf; } #set the default document to index.html or index.cfm index index.html index.cfm;