Web-admin mappings and cfimport issues

Thanks. I think it is time for an update of my Lucee installation (both Java and Tomcat). That brings me to a new question: what is the best approach? will raise a new question in the forum.

So after upgrading to java 11 and tomcat 9 and now running 5.3.6 RC, at least it is now consistent in throwing an error, also after restarting several times:
Still getting

invalid definition of the attribute taglib [/sometagname]

I have two imports:

<cfimport taglib="/sometagname" prefix="sometagname"> <!--- fails --->
<cfimport taglib="/core/sometagname" prefix="/coresometagname"> <!---ok--->

The first one fails, the second one works.
The difference is that the first is used as ‘/sometagname’ in the web admin, the second is used as ‘/coresometagname’ as a mapping in the server admin.
If I move the first to the server admin section it starts working (but I do not want it there of course), so apparently this only happens in the context of ‘web’.

/sometagname is just a folder in the root folder of my application and is application specific.
Also if I change it to sometagname without the slash in front, it also fails.

I know this is probably not how you would write code these days, but these are all legacy applications that I would rather not change drastically.

you can that error happens when all the other checks above it fails

there’s also quite a lot of history about these problems in jira

Just an update.
I only had 300Mb left on my harddrive, so I got errors in my catalina about allocating Swap space (if I remember correctly). I increased the disk size as well as the Java heap size half a Gb, and now everything is working fine again!
So I thought what if I bring it back to its original Java heap size?
Still no problem. Everything is ok.
I have no idea what’s going on here.

I just wanted to let you know that this issue raised its ugly head again:
Lucee on JAVA 11.0.6 (AdoptOpenJDK) 64bit and Tomcat 11.

It is still like this :slight_smile:

“invalid definition of the attribute taglib [{sometagname}]”

I use <cfimport taglib="/sometagname" prefix="sometagname"> .
/sometagname is a folder in my webroot.

And when it throws this error, I need to restart lucee. 50% chance it will then work. Just keep restarting.

Just re-encountered this error on I have been using cfimport without any issues on this version for a while, and then seemingly randomly this error appeared again. I downgraded to and the error went away. I then went back to, and everything is still fine.