Translate cfexecute to cfhttp


I wonder if anyone has done anything like the following:

<cfset token = "ksk9399dkkskk2k32k3">
<cfexecute name="curl -s -X POST
-H 'authorization: Bearer #token#' 
-H 'content-type: application/json'
-d '{""peers"":
""#dateformat(FORM.mydatefield,'mm/dd/yyyy')#""]}' " 

The -H switch can be easily taken care of, however, the -d switch has massive json data, any way to handle it with cfhttp?

fyi, i’m using lucee docker image 52


You can use cfhttpparam with type=“body” value=“#yourJSON#”

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Thanks, someone also suggested this technique as well, awesome, resolved, much appreciated.

for cfexecute seems like it always works better if you write a script like a bash / etc and call that with parameters.