Solr 6.0.1

Hi @all,

First of all: I apologize for my english, I’m not a native, but I’ll try my

I’m using SOLR 6.0.1 on Linux Ubuntu 14.04.04 in Cloud-Modus.

I’m new to SOLR, working with it for about 5 - 6 weeks now, and i got a few
problems which I couldn’t solve.
My biggest Problem at the moment is: how do I use the integrated ZooKeeper
I’ve tryd many different things and searched a lot, but still it is not
clear for me how to get my SOLR work correctly with the configs
in the ZooKeeper.
I know that i need configsets which I can use at the moment of creation of
a collection (using: $ bin/solr create_collection -c CollectionName -d
but when i do this and than take a look on the collection information via
http://MyIP:8983/solr/MyCollection/schema it says that my config is "
for every Collection I create. Am I doing something wrong? I’ve also tried
to upload my created configset to ZooKeeper with

$ sh -cmd upconfig -zkhost MyIP:9983 -confname
item_data_driven_schema -solrhome
MyPath/solr-6.0.1/server/solr/Artikeldaten2_shard1_replica1 -confdir

but nothing changed in information output.

What I want: changing the schema of the Collection and its unique-key name.
Any solutions?

Thanks in advice.

I already looke through the whole SOLR-directory, just found the
managed-schema in the configsets, but if i changed the sets i used for my
creat_collection … -d … and restarted the solr, nothing in the
displayed schema changed and I still get the wrong schema displayed
at http://MyIP:8983/solr/MyCollection/schema
What i get:


but shouldn’t it be something like

“name”:“Name-of-my-schema”, … ?

Should i set up a new and clean SOLR and try again?

Look for a schema.xml. There should be a schema tag somewhere, like this:

On Tuesday, July 12, 2016 at 7:53:48 AM UTC+2, Stein Marcel wrote:

Hi @all,

First of all: I apologize for my english, I’m not a native, but I’ll try
my best.

I’m using SOLR 6.0.1 on Linux Ubuntu 14.04.04 in Cloud-Modus.

I’m new to SOLR, working with it for about 5 - 6 weeks now, and i got a
few problems which I couldn’t solve.
My biggest Problem at the moment is: how do I use the integrated ZooKeeper
I’ve tryd many different things and searched a lot, but still it is not
clear for me how to get my SOLR work correctly with the configs
in the ZooKeeper.
I know that i need configsets which I can use at the moment of creation of
a collection (using: $ bin/solr create_collection -c CollectionName -d
but when i do this and than take a look on the collection information via
http://MyIP:8983/solr/MyCollection/schema it says that my config is "
for every Collection I create. Am I doing something wrong? I’ve also tried
to upload my created configset to ZooKeeper with

$ sh -cmd upconfig -zkhost MyIP:9983 -confname
item_data_driven_schema -solrhome
MyPath/solr-6.0.1/server/solr/Artikeldaten2_shard1_replica1 -confdir

but nothing changed in information output.

What I want: changing the schema of the Collection and its unique-key name.
Any solutions?

Thanks in advice.