RAM drive not available again in lucee(RAM error)

Forgot to use it. Just to be quick.

There is another function which uses the RAM, it is practically the same thing. Code:

<cffunction name="createImage" returnType="string" access="public" hint="uploads, resizes and puts an image in the database">
		<cfargument name="propertyId" type="numeric" required="false" default="0">
		<cfargument name="agentId" type="numeric" required="false" default="5">
		<cfargument name="uploadedFile" type="any" required="true">
		<cfargument name="newImageWidth" type="numeric" required="true">
		<cfargument name="imageType" type="string" default="" required="false">
		<cfargument name="imageName" type="string" default="" required="false">
		<cffile action="upload"
		accept = "image/jpg,image/jpeg,image/pjpeg,image/gif,image/png"
		nameconflict="makeunique" />
		<cfif imageName is "">
			<!--- create unique image name if no image name is provided --->
			<cfset imgName = lCase(listFirst(CreateUUID(), "-")) & right(TimeFormat(Now(),"hhmmss"), 3)>
			<cfset imgName=ListAppend(imgName,file.ServerFileExt,".")>
			<cfset imgName=arguments.imageName>
		<cfset uploadedFile="#file.ServerFile#">
		<!---Now rename the image and store it in the appropriate folder
		<cffile action="rename"
				destination="#request.wwwroot_folder#/images/pictures/#year(now())#/#month(now())#/#imgName#"> --->
		<!--- Read the Uploaded file to memory and give it a variable name of  'mainImage' 
		<cfimage name="mainImage" source="#request.wwwroot_folder#/images/pictures/#year(now())#/#month(now())#/#arguments.uploadedFile#">--->

		<!--- Create thumbnail, note this does not resize the image in memory, just the image that is  written to disk.--->
		<cfset cfImage = imageNew("ram://#file.ServerFile#")>
		<cfset imageData = imageInfo(cfImage)>

		<cfset imageWidth=imageData.width>
		<cfset imageHeight=imageData.height>
		<cfset theDivisionNewImage=arguments.newImageWidth/imageWidth>
		<cfset newImageHeight=round(imageHeight*theDivisionNewImage)>
		<cfparam name="imageTypeId" default="1">
		<cfswitch expression="#arguments.imageType#">
			<cfcase value="thumb">
				<!--- Check if main thumb is already there --->
				<cfquery datasource="#request.datasourceName#" name="checkMainThumb">
				SELECT * FROM pictures p WHERE picture_type_id=4 and property_id =#arguments.propertyId#
				<cfif checkMainThumb.recordCount IS 0>
					<cfset imageTypeId="4">
					<cfset imageTypeId="2">
			<cfcase value="logo">
				<cfset imageTypeId="3">
		<cfset newImageName= "#imageType##imgName#">
		<!--- create main image --->
		<cfimage action="resize"
		<!--- <cffile action = "delete" file = "#request.wwwroot_folder#/images/pictures/#year(now())#/#month(now())#/#uploadedFile#">--->
		<cffile action="delete" file="ram://#file.ServerFile#">
		<cfquery datasource="#request.datasourceName#" name="getMaxSortOrder">
			SELECT MAX(sort_order) AS sortOrder FROM pictures WHERE property_id = <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.propertyId#">
		<cfif getMaxSortOrder.sortOrder is not "">
			<cfset nextSortOrder=getMaxSortOrder.sortOrder +1>
			<cfset nextSortOrder=1>
		<cfquery datasource="#request.datasourceName#" name="insertProperty">
		INSERT INTO pictures (name,width,height,property_id,picture_type_id,agent_id,sort_order)
		VALUES (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#year(now())#/#month(now())#/#newImageName#">,<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#newImageWidth#">,<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#newImageHeight#">,<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.propertyId#">, <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#imageTypeId#">,<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#arguments.agentId#">,<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#nextSortOrder#">)
		<cfreturn imgName>

These are all the functions I use regarding the RAM drive.


Dick Goosen


Thank you for your quick response. I will give this to the hosting guys who take care of the server.


Dick Goosen

Is there any update on this. I still got the error. See Uw statistieken http://www.franimo.nl/test2/ How can the RAM suddenly disappear?


Dick Goosen

Is there a jira ticket for it?

i have found the reason for this issue. in case Lucee runs out of memory it starts to delete files from the ram cache, actually the JVM dies it, because we are using soft references.
Problem is, this does not happen in a organized matter.
the JVM should start deleteting file on top of the tree, so no elements (directories) that have children.
in this case the root directory “/” is deleted and the Ram Resource cannot recover from this.

workaround, make sure not to use to many files in the ram cache.

see [LDEV-1109] - Lucee for more details

I never knew the RAM drive was a soft reference store. I would have expected any files written there would always remain like a normal hard drive. I’m not sure I like that and I bet most people using it don’t account for that like you would when using a cache. I’d rather control what gets deleted from ram drive and when so I can choose the files my app still needs. I don’t trust Lucee or the JVM to properly “guess” what files I’m finished working with.

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I agree with Brad here, and I also did not know it was a soft reference (as I’m sure most would not expect).

I’d rather it throw an OutOfMemoryError or something than delete files I might need.

@Abram_Adams @abramadams is there a chance this explanation above is the reason Trycf.com has been randomly failing for a while. it’s been random paths on ram disk going away.


So given this code:

if ( fileExists("ram://file.txt") ) {
   //low on memory, ram drive del *.*
   x = fileRead("ram://file.txt");

It would then be possible to have a FileNotFound exception?!?

This makes the ram drive pretty unusable / unstable. I’d rather crash the server if I forget to delete my files from ram drive (because at least I can fix that in my code) instead of having the server delete ram files willy nilly.

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking Pete. The current behavior seems dangerous. I appreciate the attempt to keep memory, but if I have an issue where ramdisk is filling up memory, I’d rather get the OOM error that lets me know to analyze my code and fix it. This may keep my server online, but with quirky hard to track bugs with files that disappear. @micstriit Can this be configured so ram disk is persistent?

There’s a similar issue with cache clearing too

Cache eviction policies (and timeouts) are more of an expected behavior though. That’s why most cache access will be in the form of “get if exists, otherwise create” so I’m more ok with a cache item disappearing than a file on a file system.

Except Lucee doesn’t recover from evicted cache items, try the externalized strings option with a large enough code base to exceed the hardwired 1000 item limit and basic stuff like cfdump breaks.

That sounds like a bug in Lucee’s usage of the cache then. Possibly from back when the RamCache used to not have any eviction policy. Is there a ticket for that?

There’s both tickets about the externalized strings issue and allowing the cache size to be configurable, not sure if there’s a ticket about recovering from missing cache items. There’s also a random blank page bug since 5.3.2 which is probably related.

crash on missing externalize txt file under cfclasses

allow configuring maximum cache, temp and template cache sizes

Page not rendered until file saved without changes


Looks like I’m falling foul of this issue too.
So, the way I read this, the RAM disk is unusable… the TryCF example fails intermittently in both Lucee and ACF, so I guess it’s not a Lucee bug, but are there any suggestions other than, simply don’t use the RAM disk?

Please always state which version! :slight_smile:

Ahh sorry, this is an old ticket and no fix, so I presume it’s on all versions.
I’m running

I write temporary files with UUID filenames onto the RAM drive. Not often, maybe a couple of times a day. Each probably < 5kb.
Occasionally I get an error like: can't write file [ram:///CFBEFFC33FD81DABE8D322E0BD5A5C70] as a file, missing parent directory [ram://]

A restart of the service often fixes for a while… so it sounds like the same issue to me.
I’ve updated the code to use the physical filesystem now.