Lucee-websocket Error: Failed to register endpoint while attempting to start WebSocketServer

We are attempting to setup the lucee-websocket extension, but can’t get past the following error:

“DEBUG”,“http-nio-8888-exec-4”,“09/16/2019”,“19:10:32”,“websocket”,“Failed to register endpoint /ws: Deployment of WebSocket Endpoints to the web application with path [] in host [Catalina/] is not permitted due to the failure of a previous deployment”

Any help would be appreciated.

Basic setup:

/** Index.cfm */

WebsocketServer(“/ws”, new EchoListener());
echo(“registered ws”)

/** EchoListener.cfc */
component {
function onMessage(websocket, message, sessionScope, applicationScope){
return “Echo from Lucee #Server.lucee.version# [#arguments.message#]”;

Version Lucee

Servlet Container Apache Tomcat/9.0.20
Java 1.8.0_212 (Oracle Corporation) 64bit
Host Name ws-server
OS Linux (4.15.0-58-generic) 64bit
Architecture 64bit

we installed the version 2.0.3 extension at the admin:server level and the Info Bundle(jar) shows the extension is loaded:
LuceeApps (net.twentyonesolutions.luceeapps) 2.0.1 19.7kb Lucee WebSockets Extension active
Lucee Core (lucee.core) Sep 12, 2019 9.3mb Lucee active
LuceeWebsocket (net.twentyonesolutions.luceewebsocket) 2.0.1 36kb Lucee WebSockets Extension active

After this error we also added the following to web.xml:


  <!-- modify url-pattern to match your websocket endpoints !-->