Lucee returns blank pages

Vmware or HyperV?

I am asking as We have had similar issues on some of our servers.

On Vmware it was how the private switch was configured

On Hyper-V it was broadcom adapters and VMQ

Either way, run this from the SQL box
Test-NetConnection -Port 1433

Test-NetConnection -Port 1433
WARNING: TCP connect to ( : 1433) failed

ComputerName           :
RemoteAddress          :
RemotePort             : 1433
InterfaceAlias         : Ethernet
SourceAddress          :
PingSucceeded          : True
PingReplyDetails (RTT) : 0 ms
TcpTestSucceeded       : False

We donā€™t allow external hits on our server with SQL Server and we are with a hosting company. They use LinuxKVM (hosts machines). We have 2 Windows virtual servers, one for Lucee and one for SQL Server. They can talk to each other.

You had a similar blank pages problem?

Yes, We have had issues with the dread blank page for a pages that are purely dynamic.

Kvmā€¦ I would take a look at what driver they are using to emulate your NICS.
if its something like rtl81** then its a 10/100 connection which that is an issue.

the other issue is over-subscription is common, and network delays on oversubscribed vhosts is a symptom of it.

Since this is also the same error youā€™ve posted here at the very first time, and itā€™s happening again in your payment component, did you try to somehow make that code work differently? Donā€™t know what your code is doing excatly, but when I see all these miliseconds there, is there any way to call that simple DELETE youā€™ve mentioned differently? In such an odd case Iā€™d really try to deactivate that UDF, try to do some other OS scripting instead if possible, just to rule that UDF out.


This is a solution I thought of. Instead of cleaning the table every onSessionEnd, I could probably do a scheduled task to go purge this table of sessions that no longer exist. I have to see if, with Lucee, I can know the list of active sessions.

It would also be much more optimal to do it periodically than to do it with onSessionEnd. Because at the moment, if there are a lot of visitors, it generates a lot of sessions, therefore a lot of calls to this component. This code dates from the early years of the application as well. A little refreshment wouldnā€™t hurt.

Hi Terry,

I had the problem on our development server as well where I am the only user. Since we are in a virtual server environment with a hosting company, is it possible that this problem is caused by neighboring servers? Note that as soon as we restart the server and / or Lucee, everything returns to normal.

Anyway, thank you for taking the time to help us. It is very appreciated and you bring up interesting hypotheses.

I intend to use coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker.getSessionCollection to know the list of active sessions and clean data from inactive sessions. Back then this was an undocumented method on ACF and it seems to have been added to Lucee for compatibility reasons. Do you have any recommendations on this?

<cfset tracker = createObject("java", "coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker")>
<cfset sessionCollection = tracker.getSessionCollection(application.applicationName)>
<cfdump var="#sessionCollection#">


I have completely eliminated the onSessionEnd in the application.cfc and am purging the table with a scheduled task. I am using coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker to detect active sessions vs expired sessions. Letā€™s see if the blank page syndrome occurs again in the next few days.

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:crossed_fingers: hoping that this issue gets resolved, or at least something or some better hints to the issue show up.

@TonyMonast Did any blank page reappear since your changes?

So far no blank pages incident. I cannot immediately conclude that this is resolved, as it is a quiet time for the app. There are not as many users as usual. Iā€™ll let a few weeks go by.

Hi @andreas,

The blank page syndrome just recurred to me, but nothing to do with Lucee or the web server. I was with Firefox and ran a simple Google search and the browser waited for the result over and over again with no luck. I opened other tabs to relaunch the search, and I got blank pages with the NS_ERROR_ABORT message in the browser logs. Either itā€™s a web browser issue (or network issue) or there are two white pages related bugs, one with the browser and one with the server. It would be astonishing though.

Bit of a stale thread, but running into a similar issue with Lucee, IIS, and blank pages returning 0 bytes, somewhat randomly. Did you ever track down the issue?