Lucee Mailing List for Supporters

Is there really a private moderated “Lucee Mailing List” for supporters? I’ve been an individual supporter for a few months but my messages to and the contact form on the web site have gone unanswered. I understand if it’s not a priority but if that’s the case then the benefits on this page ( should be updated.

@Juan_Aguilar - There was a mailing list, however, it was never used as everyone just posted in the main Google Group. Therefore, when we moved to this forum, it was never set up, so yes the page needs updating, which I will take care of.

With regards to messages to info@, I receive these and I’ve not had anything from yourself and I’ve checked in the spam as well, but they are not there either. I’ve had other messages, so I’m sure it is all working ok, when did you send them?