Lucee Jetty 9 Dockerized

Decided to put something together for the community overnight. If you know
how to use docker this should make your life easy.
Jetty 9 - Multi-context server version is up.

Jetty 9 Runner - Single line super light single instance deploy.

Lucee on Tomcat Dockerized
Lucee on Resin Dockerized
Lucee on Wildfly Dockerized

If you are planning on building the containers from my dockerfile, you will
need the latest version 1.4.1+. Also you should be on 1.4.1+ as it
addresses some critical security issues.

It would be nice if there was a single up-to-date Lucee revision file to
automate version pulls, so I don’t do manual revision tagging. Maybe there
is one … someone show me.

Lucee Express Jetty 9 Runner now available. Sunday, February 8, 2015 at 5:16:10 AM UTC-5, melinite (David S) wrote:

docker-pub/lucee/lucee_jetty9 at master · melinite/docker-pub · GitHub

Decided to put something together for the community overnight. If you know
how to use docker this should make your life easy.
Jetty 9 - Multi-context server version is up.

Jetty 9 Runner - Single line super light single instance deploy.

Lucee on Tomcat Dockerized
Lucee on Resin Dockerized
Lucee on Wildfly Dockerized

If you are planning on building the containers from my dockerfile, you
will need the latest version 1.4.1+. Also you should be on 1.4.1+ as it
addresses some critical security issues.

It would be nice if there was a single up-to-date Lucee revision file to
automate version pulls, so I don’t do manual revision tagging. Maybe there
is one … someone show me.

I put up a very rough usage readme for lucee jetty docker with a basic copy
and deploy command. Also I’m using my own derived java8 jetty9 images, they
are here:

if you’re interested.

I’ll be adding more as I convert a bunch of internal work stuff.

Brilliant, thanks.On 8 February 2015 at 21:16, melinite (David S) <@David_Seong> wrote:

docker-pub/lucee/lucee_jetty9 at master · melinite/docker-pub · GitHub

Decided to put something together for the community overnight. If you know
how to use docker this should make your life easy.
Jetty 9 - Multi-context server version is up.

Jetty 9 Runner - Single line super light single instance deploy.

Lucee on Tomcat Dockerized
Lucee on Resin Dockerized
Lucee on Wildfly Dockerized

If you are planning on building the containers from my dockerfile, you
will need the latest version 1.4.1+. Also you should be on 1.4.1+ as it
addresses some critical security issues.

It would be nice if there was a single up-to-date Lucee revision file to
automate version pulls, so I don’t do manual revision tagging. Maybe there
is one … someone show me.

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Great work sir! I am going to give it a whirl tomorrow!

MD> On 8 Feb 2015, at 10:21, melinite (David S) <@David_Seong> wrote:

I put up a very rough usage readme for lucee jetty docker with a basic copy and deploy command. Also I’m using my own derived java8 jetty9 images, they are here:

if you’re interested.

I’ll be adding more as I convert a bunch of internal work stuff.

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