Lucee failing to run - where are logs?

I installed lucee on a basically clean version of CentOS7, all default settings.

when I run this, I don’t see Lucee has started. Is there anywhere I can see a log of what’s going on?

[root@server /]# ./opt/lucee/lucee_ctl start
 * Starting Lucee: Existing PID file found during start.
Removing/clearing stale PID file.
. . . [DONE]
It may take a few moments for Lucee to start processing
CFML templates. This is normal.
[root@server /]# ps
  PID TTY          TIME CMD
16553 pts/0    00:00:00 ps
27845 pts/0    00:00:12 bash
[root@server /]#

After I installed, it gave me the following error:

 0% ______________ 50% ______________ 100%
Warning: Timeout reached waiting for tomcat to start
Press [Enter] to continue:Warning: Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete
 Error setting passwords for Lucee admins. (did the service start?)
Press [Enter] to continue:

Warning: Problem creating uninstaller. Installation may have not completed

Press [Enter] to continue:
Setup has finished installing Lucee on your computer.

Not sure why it would have failed to set the admin passwords… Weird. And unfortunately I can’t uninstall now because the uninstaller failed to write… How can I uninstall it now?

What version of java does the latest version of Lucee require?

I had 1.8 installed AND 11, so I removed both and reinstalled openjdk11 now…

If Lucee is running, I should be able to see it when I type “ps”, right?

Thanks in advance for the help

No you will not see lucee when you just type ps because that will only show processes that you have started and are owned by you. You need to see all processes with something like ps -aux

Pete Freitag

When you run ps, i think you should be looking for a tomcat process rather than a process called lucee?