Lucee Stable Release

The Lucee team is proud to announce the first 5.3.10 Stable Release.

One of the most exciting features in 5.3.10, which should make should make everyone’s life easier when deploying Lucee servers, is improved, still experimental, native support for CFconfig.

There are, however, a few known issues with configImport, datasource imports and s3 mappings don’t quite work yet

  • LDEV-4255 - configImport isn’t importing custom args for datasources
  • LDEV-4289 - configImport isn’t importing s3 mappings

Available as usual via

Java 17 is still not supported, Java 11 recommended

Updated Extensions



LDEV-3032 - installing or removing an extension via the admin doesn’t log to deploy.log
LDEV-3710 - Controler thread doesn’t log all failures
LDEV-4035 - Log4j2 resets log level to ERROR
LDEV-4091 - Datadog log appender
LDEV-4112 - admin, setting.logging page should show other (layout name) if the specified logging layout cfc isn’t available
LDEV-3978 - regression: Cflog stops writing to files
LDEV-4034 - Regression - application log datasource appender throws 500 – Internal Server Error on lucee restart
LDEV-4242 - cfhttp trace logging doesn’t log connection failures
LDEV-4263 - Logs being written out to the wrong context


LDEV-3224 - Admin area : Edit Web charset in Settings - Charset and default value
LDEV-3277 - admin list applications hangs, continually trying to load older image extension (despite a newer version already being installed?)
LDEV-3469 - updateDatasource should also support passing in a custom attributes struct
LDEV-3890 - Extension - Applications link in server admin times out
LDEV-3936 - add a clear cache button to the edit cache page in the admin
LDEV-3937 - Impossible to debug extension provider issues from admin UI
LDEV-3938 - When there is one invalid extension provider, no info shows for ANY providers


LDEV-3533 - REFind/NoCase(returnsubexpressions=true) doesn’t return subexpressions when regex engine set to Java.
LDEV-3690 - Using java regex engine incompatibility issue
LDEV-3703 - reMatchNoCase() regex regression in 5.3.8


LDEV-3754 - debug attribute not supported on CFMail tag
LDEV-3948 - Improve the message for output the component with debug enabled
LDEV-4011 - CFHTTP add more detail to exception for throwOnError=true


LDEV-4221 - .cfconfig fails to import custom-tag and component mappings
LDEV-4124 - allow config directories for tag, functions and file-system to be configurable
LDEV-4046 - Server.cfc/Web.cfc calls Application.cfc

Query of Queries

LDEV-3878 - QoQ shouldn’t fall back to HSQLDB after queryparam error
LDEV-4044 - QoQ with a named parameter passed without params doesn’t throw

Bug fixes

LDEV-3975 - ESAPI functions result in “CTOR threw exception” error with extension
LDEV-3979 - Regression: Custom cookie parsing now used over servlet’s cookies
LDEV-3980 - jdbc commit issues using transactions and hibernate
LDEV-4000 - Scheduled Tasks require a minimum interval of 10 for no reason
LDEV-4004 - Regression - For in loop inside the queryEach callback are not thread safe
LDEV-4103 - DeserializeJSON Corrupts Large Numbers
LDEV-4006 - Regression - isJson() throws java.lang.NumberFormatException
LDEV-4012 - support component skip=true for 5.3 testcases
LDEV-4064 - createObject reloads all OSGI bundles if javaSettings are configured
LDEV-4101 - Encrypt issue using Base64, invalid character [=] in base64 string at position
LDEV-4104 - lucee Local Documentation Member Chaining Member functions shows a wrong return type
LDEV-4135 - NPE
LDEV-4158 - IOException occurs when search for propriate codecs.
LDEV-4162 - NPE in CFMLFactoryImpl.getPageContextImpl
LDEV-4176 - arraySet member function throws misleading error message
LDEV-3584 - getComponentMetadata with final component throws an error
LDEV-3680 - race condition in getRPCClassLoader
LDEV-1513 - Dumping getComponentStaticScope() of component with remote static function causes ava.lang.NullPointerException
LDEV-3028 - “The servlet context has already been initialized” error in Application.log of Undertow deployments
LDEV-3917 - _internalRequest() result missing Content-Type and Content-Length
LDEV-4260 - access graph.cfm with invalid query string throws file not exist error
LDEV-4262 - unsupported charset in HTTP response
LDEV-2909 - XMLValidate error with valid xml
LDEV-4230 - cfajaxproxy doesn’t work with “Suppress Content for CFC Remoting” enabled
LDEV-4223 - getApplicationSettings and getApplicationMetadata return application instead of cfml for sessionType
LDEV-4218 - Add Parameter Alias “mimeType” for “accept” in fileUpload
LDEV-4212 - static scope does no reset when extended Component changes
LDEV-4274 - default CFID expire time is only 20 days
LDEV-4278 - lsDayOfWeek / lsWeek always returns the same result for all locales

Code Changes

Previous RCs


There will be a Lucee 5.4 release very soon, which will upgrade some underlying java libaries with CVEs

Extension Changes with 5.4

  • Lucee 5.4 will no longer bundle older extensions like axis and search due to CVEs
  • The Hibernate extension will be updated to 5.4
  • Image Extension will be updated to version 2 (factored, 12 Monkeys)
  • S3 will be updated to version 2 (switches to AWS java lib)

Then next up is the first Lucee 6.0 Beta release

Support Lucee


Great release!