Lucee Errors within debug template

I love that the team is working on getting more metrics to display in the admin interface and within the debug templates. When using the Lucee the debug template is causing issues for me.

I’m on Windows 10, upgraded from to Lucee via the .lco file, in case it matters. It looks like the debug template isn’t checking the options in the admin for the functionality to be enabled on the debug template.

  • Turning off the metrics tab, and the related charts(they are not active by default) throws an error The key [METRICS_CHARTS] does not exist
  • In the Modern debug template you include an inline jquery-1.12.4…that overwrites the jquery object that I was using, causing issues. I don’t think you should be using jquery for the limited functionality of the debug template
  • When using the charts why have it fire the ajax events for getting the metrics when I’m not viewing the Metric panel?
  • instead of using setTimeout, might want to use EventSource if available, and check if the document is hidden (document.hidden)
  • in the administrator might want to have a note regarding the charts making an api call, when I initially set it up, it was being blocked; user can’t access pages without a session identifier except for exceptions
  • Don’t include modernizer…scanning through some of the code, looks like you don’t utilize it, if needed might just want to switch to more basic feature detection

Sorry if this isn’t the correct place for this

Hi @Josh_Knutson,

Thanks for the info. We will fixed ASAP with upcoming release.

i also posted some feedback about the new new debugging in 5.3 a while back

javascript conflicts with the 5.3 debugging improvements

I saw a pull request that might resolve some of my issues. I tried the beta a month ago and downgraded almost right away thinking it wasn’t ready/install was bad.