JSLoader.cfc issue

OS: Windows 10 Enterprise Edition
Lucee : lucee-express-

Getting below error when launching the application screen.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
at JSLoader.cfc?method=get&lib=jquery/jquery-ui-1.8.2:15

Application Code is present at:

@manish_lucee_uid Could you please verify the jquery-1.8.3.js file was available at lucee-server\context\library\tag\lucee\core\ajax\js\jquery?

You are correct. jquery-1.8.3.js was not present in lucee-server\context\library\tag\lucee\core\ajax\js\jquery.
Why it was not present by default in the lucee installation?

@manish_lucee_uid those js files come from lucee ajax extension. Meanwhile, the Ajax extension still uses jquery version 1.4.2.

Can you file a bug?

Yes, I have created an issue in the link you have shared.
Name: # jquery-1.8.3.js issue #9

Thank You.

@manish_lucee_uid FYI, JIRA is the better place to file lucee bugs.


Can you please file a bug here?

@manish_lucee_uid Created an enhancement ticket LDEV-3372

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@manish_lucee_uid This issue was solved in ticket LDEV-3372. Updated the query to jquery-1.8.3.js