After updating to I am getting:
"Invalid struct shorthand syntax [ local.PROJECT_ID ] . Shorthand notation requires single, unqualified variable names without any dots or property accessors. For example, [susi] is valid, but [susi.sorglos] or [url.susi] is not.
|Version |Lucee|
|Version Name |Gelert|
|Release date |Jul 19, 2024|
|Loader Version ||
|Servlet Container |Apache Tomcat/9.0.89|
|Java |11.0.23 (Eclipse Adoptium) 64bit|
|Host Name ||
|OS |Windows Server 2022 (10.0) 64bit|
|Architecture |64bit |
The code snippet in question is:
<cfset LOCAL.insert = QueryNew('project_id,success,message')>
<cfloop list="#ARGUMENTS.project_ids#" item="LOCAL.project_id">
<cfset queryAddRow(LOCAL.insert, { project_id, LOCAL.project_id, success: false, message: '' } ) />
If I change item=“LOCAL.project_id” to item=“project_id” it works.