Installing Lucee 5.2.7 on existing Tomcat 9

I’m unsure of this procedure so, if someone could enlighten me, I’d be most appreciative.

Hi @new2lucee,

I hope this may helps you

cfmitrah, thanks for the reply. I downloaded the war file and placed it into lucee\tomcat\webapps and executed lucee\tomcat\bin\startup.bat. I got a brief “flash” of the cmd screen but no change in the webapps folder - should there be? in order to run http://localhost:8080//lucee/admin/server.cfm, does the folder name need to be in full or just “lucee-”?

OK, looking at it further, I think you are talking about a manual install of Lucee and so I should back out of the auto Lucee install I have, install Tomcat and then follow your instruction. Is that right?

OK, I uninstalled using the Lucee uninstall, removed all folders, installed Tomcat9, and tested that it worked. Stopped Tomcat, copied the war file into Tomcat webapps, renamed ROOT to ROOTOLD and fired up Tomcat. It built a new ROOT with the contents of the war file inside. Lucee lives! thank you.