Guys, I just shared an observation in that other thread that may well explain what you all are also experiencing:
The 6.1.x Lucee express comes with tomcat 8…while that for lucee 6.0.x and even 5.4.3.x had come with tomcat 9. This seems a mistake. It seems also to relate to the “endorsed dirs” matter, and it would certainly seem to relate to problems running with Java 17.
To be clear, the majority of files in express are really just a tomcat deployment with some embedded lucee-specific files–which are 6.1 and seemingly designed to run on tomcat 9. Most of the other files are pure tomcat, so having the wrong tomcat would seem like running a petrol car on diesel.
One last matter: it’s not often mentioned in discussions about express, but beware that there’s a startup.bat (and .sh) file in both the root of the zip AND in the bin…and the instructions on both the lucee site and the text files in that root folder (which again are tomcat-provided) refer to running bin/startup rather than the root startup.
It really begs the question why there’s a startup in the root. I wasn’t sure how best to raise these issues, so I though I’d start here.