Help with setting up application contexts

My production application server (Azure Vm) was attacked by a ransomware hack forcing me to have to completely rebuild the environment. As the engineer that originally set-up the virtual directory contexts has left, I am having trouble getting my application .cfm code bases to be “seen” properly.

Could use ANY help/pointers to setting up application entry points that are virtual sites (on IIS) pointing to specific physical disk directories that are .cfm apps as my clients are completely down until I get this solved.


Lucee just picks up the root directory from IIS. mappings are configured either via this.mappings in Application.cfc or via Lucee web/server admin.

Using this.mappings is usually better as things will work OOTB rather than having to configure them in the admin.

You should be able to just work thru each error and setup a mapping for each .cfm which isn’t found?