Handling invalid cookies received using cffeed (cfhttp)

I’m using the “tags in script” version of cffeed to read some remote
RSS feeds, but one or more of them is apparently sending back cookies
with invalid “expires” values.

I know this because my lucee-stdout logs are full of “Invalid cookie
header” errors.

Is there any way of handling these errors or at least preventing them
being logged? There doesn’t seem to be a java or Lucee exception that
I can catch.

I’m using Lucee on Tomcat 8.0.36/Java 1.8. I’ve tried
updating my java http client jars to 4.5.2 with no effect.


I answered my own question:

http://cfsimplicity.com/107/preventing-invalid-cookie-errors-being-logged-when-making-lucee-http-callsOn 31 October 2016 at 15:22, Julian Halliwell <@Julian_Halliwell> wrote:

I’m using the “tags in script” version of cffeed to read some remote
RSS feeds, but one or more of them is apparently sending back cookies
with invalid “expires” values.

I know this because my lucee-stdout logs are full of “Invalid cookie
header” errors.

Is there any way of handling these errors or at least preventing them
being logged? There doesn’t seem to be a java or Lucee exception that
I can catch.

I’m using Lucee on Tomcat 8.0.36/Java 1.8. I’ve tried
updating my java http client jars to 4.5.2 with no effect.