Empty "namespace" for .lucee tags?

Is using an empty “namespace” for .lucee tags really… a good thing? What
was the thinking there (that is not a passive aggressive way of saying “I
don’t think there was any”, it was a legit unloaded question).

It looks a bit odd, and despite empty namespaces being legit, it doesn’t
sit well with me for some reason.


mail=evaluate(url.mail);</:script><:if hasMail>
<:mail subject=mail.subject from=mail.from to=mail.to>

the decision was between no namespace at all and this one or something like
We (the LAS Members) decided to have a namespace but the shortest one
it looks maybe odd to you, because it is new what makes it also special.

MichaOn Thu, Apr 16, 2015 at 12:36 PM, Adam Cameron <@Adam_Cameron> wrote:

Is using an empty “namespace” for .lucee tags really… a good thing? What
was the thinking there (that is not a passive aggressive way of saying “I
don’t think there was any”, it was a legit unloaded question).

It looks a bit odd, and despite empty namespaces being legit, it doesn’t
sit well with me for some reason.


mail=evaluate(url.mail);</:script><:if hasMail>
<:mail subject=mail.subject from=mail.from to=mail.to>


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Yeah, thanks for all that.

I am just unaware of a precedent of vendors with their own tagsets opting
to use an empty namespace. I my own hack-about code? Sure. But as an
“official” usage? Nope.

My point

Hence the question.

So to try to get a clear answer, the answer is “we decided to use the
‘namespace’ sort of syntax (namespace:tagname) instead of a ‘prefix’
(like CFML does ), but we opted to have an empty namespace
instead of a ‘vendor-specific’ one to save some typing”. That’s pretty much
it, yes?

Okey doke.On Thursday, 16 April 2015 12:44:46 UTC+1, Micha wrote:
