Datasource connection issue

You are confusing SQL Studio manager and LUCEE or any other database connection for that matter…

When you install windows, Windows creates a special user account for the local administration.

In mixed mode you can assign a username to a sql only user, then assign a password for that user

I’ve set up Adobe ColdFusion, SQL servers, and successfully created datasources between the two many times, without all this hassle before. Not to say I’ve never had any with those. Almost always SQL server being the issue, as I believe it is now as well.

Kinda hard to troubleshoot something with many tentacles in this setting.

I really wanted to try Lucee and transfer a new project I’m working on…but…I’m going back to Adobe CF machine for now.
Will try Lucee again another time.

I don’t know if this helps but I bumped into an issue that sounds familiar and I had to make sure that when I logged into mssql opened it as as a computer admin - not just a mssql admin.

Please do post back on your final support experience as we are tracking these.

Last time I’ve used MS-SQL was back in 2004. So I gave it a try and installed it also to refresh my memories. I’ve installed MS-SQL 2019 Express, had some issues, but everything is pretty well documented at Microsoft and there are lots of solutions for MS-SQL connecting issues all over the internet. Basically I did everything that @Terry_Whitney already told and instructed in a nutshell in his post

That worked fine. The only issue I had was, that MS-SQL didn’t listen on port 1433. I could see that with TCPview from Sysinternals. It opened only after setting IPALL to 1433 at the bottom of the protocols list in the SQL Server Network Configuration Manager (console).

Don’t know how Adobe CF creates the MS-SQL datasource. But your connection issue is because of a MS-SQL Server misconfiguration and you would get the same issues with any Software trying to network connect to MS-SQL. I’d try the step by step instructions of @Terry_Whitney again.

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