Column type datetime issue in QueryNew

I was checking an error in an CF code in Lucee . The code is much old and was running in older version of Adobe CF (may be in new version as well, but I was not able to check) and also previous version of Lucee.

In this version I am getting an error “invalid CF SQL Type [DATETIME]”. The code is as below:

<cfset local_var.columnList = "subject,timeStart,timeEnd,studentFull"/>
<cfset local_var.typeList = "varchar,datetime,datetime,varchar"/>
<cfset temp = queryNew(local_var.columnList,local_var.typeList)/>

The datetime in the 2nd line is throwing error. If I change the datetime to timestamp, the code run successfully.
Can anyone confirm that the datetime is replaced completely by timestamp? is ancient

that code just works in 5.3.9, so yeah

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Thank you @Zackster , I will upgrade Lucee.