Cfspreadsheet The supplied sheet name is too long [33]. The maximum length is 31 characters

Detail The supplied sheet name is too long [33]. The maximum length is 31 characters.

Stacktrace	The Error Occurred in
/org/cfpoi/spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.cfc: line 2176
called from /org/cfpoi/spreadsheet/Spreadsheet.cfc: line 43
called from /SpreadsheetNew.cfm: line 9
called from /home/leenwar/public_html/general-reportsjq-download.cfm: line 278

The file it is referencing does not exist on the server - presumably it’s part of a compiled module or archive. How can we fix this and why is it set as low as 31 characters

We installed this version cfspreadsheet

that’s an excel limitation?


Thanks I have fixed it.

It works on the Coldfusion cfspreadsheet, as it truncates the sheet name to 31 characters. The solution is not to set the sheet name <cfset oSpreadsheet = spreadsheetNew() /> so Exel just names sheet Sheet1 or you could trim i suppose.

this is what it was:

<cfset oSpreadsheet = spreadsheetNew("#pageTitleNoSpaces#") />

so I removed the filename parameter

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