Boncode out of date in Lucee windows installer

Hi Lucee community,

Long time lurker, we are currently testing moving from Lucee 4.5 to 5.1.

Just as an FYI for anyone else not aware (and the Lucee devs), the current full windows installer lucee- installs with Boncode version 1.0.27, while the latest Boncode release is 1.0.35.
Version 1.0.32 (released in Dec 2016) includes a fix for a problem that affected us: intermittent http 502 errors and Boncode failing to reuse existing connections even with that setting on, something that will be particularly problematic for high traffic sites but may otherwise fly under the radar.

Hope that’s helpful to someone else, if you see occasional Lucee/Tomcat errors (especially 502’s) and haven’t updated Boncode yet.
