Hi @ensemblebd and welcome!
This is very likely because of your web.xml changes. This is what’s possibly happening:
You’ve set your web-context directory to point to “webapps” in the web.xml. This directory is probably also your “appBase” as specified in the host entry of your server.xml. On startup Tomcat will create the web-inf folders (as a hashed name) and place them into that webapps directory. Because webapps is also your appBase, Tomcat will identify each of these newly created hashed directories as a seperate new “web app” and create a seperate web contexts folder for those too. In other terms: your setting is making Tomcat recursively create a new web context directory for each new web context directory. It’s an infinite loop.
This should be the solution for you:
Create a new empty directory in a location “outside” (e.g. at “/srv/lucee-web-contexts/” or “/var/lucee/config/web/”) and point your /tomcat/conf/web.xml section lucee-web-directory to it with “/srv/lucee-web-contexts/{web-context-label}” or "/var/lucee/config/web/{web-context-label}. This directory needs to have write permissions for the user running Lucee.
If it’s not the issue above, you’ll probablly have an issue of nested contexts.