Application specific mapping in request life cycle method

While porting a large legacy application from ACF to Lucee, I encountered the following:

The app sets application specific mappings not in the Application.cfc pseudo constructor, but in onRequestStart() instead.

As usual, we use the mapping to e.g. instantiate CFCs: myCFC = new mapped-path.MyCFC();

This generally works, unless you use expandPath('/some-path-starting-with-slash') in the request before setting the mappings.

e.g. the following will work:

	this.mappings[ 'module' ] = getDirectoryFromPath( getCurrentTemplatePath() ) & 'moduleDir';
	var whatever = expandPath( '/anotherDirectory' ); 

	include arguments.targetPage;
while this won't:
```public void function onRequest( required string targetPage ){
	var whatever = expandPath( '/anotherDirectory' ); 
	this.mappings[ 'module' ] = getDirectoryFromPath( getCurrentTemplatePath() ) & 'moduleDir';

	include arguments.targetPage;

If you use `expandPath()` with an argument that starts with a `/` somewhere in the request life cycle **before** setting the mappings, in the remaining request, Lucee can't find the path for that mapping.

Unfortunately I had already created an issue for this before I noticed the hint to first post it here on the mailing list. Sorry for disregarding order in which this should happen! The issue I created is

@chris-schmitz I mentioned a workaround for this issue in the ticket ( [LDEV-4031] - Lucee )